man blowing his nose

Discover how to clear your stuffy nose this virus season.

Many people will agree that a stuffy nose is one of the most frustrating symptoms of the common cold and flu. Constant discomfort, difficulty breathing, and all that comes with our noses being clogged up can negatively impact daily activities. The good news is there are several different ways to relieve nasal congestion.

Cold and flu season, also known as virus season, generally peaks during the fall through winter. Although you can catch a virus year-round, during these months, the risk increases as people spend more time indoors in confined spaces, where viruses can easily spread.

One of the most common symptoms seen across respiratory illnesses is nasal congestion, also known as the dreaded stuffy nose.

What is Nasal Congestion?

When most people think of nasal congestion, they probably believe the cause is too much mucus in their nasal passageway. However, nasal congestion is the inflammation of the blood vessels in the air passage lining, which makes it more difficult for air to pass through, creating a “stuffed” feeling.

Common symptoms of nasal congestion include a feeling of fullness in the face and nose, difficulty breathing, especially when lying down, and fluid running out of the nose and down the throat. Also, there may be an increase in mucus due to infection, making you feel even worse.

A stuffy nose can be caused by various irritants affecting the nasal passage, such as exposure to chemicals, smoke or perfume, dry and cold air, medications, hormonal imbalances, and a viral infection. Nasal congestion is most commonly a symptom of a common cold, the flu, allergies, and sinus infections.

7 Tips for Nasal Congestion Relief

The risk of nasal congestion can be reduced by preventing viral infections through measures such as handwashing and avoiding the spread of germs through contact. It may be challenging to avoid contact with sick people during cold and flu season. Last year, 300,000 people were hospitalized with the flu during the peak of the season. Fortunately, there are ways to ease your congestion regardless of the cause.

  1. Use a humidifier machine to increase moisture in the air.
  2. Take a hot shower with steam.
  3. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and fluids.
  4. Use a warm compress on your nose.
  5. Use a saline solution to rinse your nose.
  6. Prop your head up when lying down to allow for better breathing, especially at night.
  7. Look for over-the-counter decongestant medications.

24/7 Emergency Care This Cold and Flu Season

Nasal congestion might not seem like a reason to visit the emergency room, but there are times when immediate medical care may be necessary due to signs of a serious underlying medical condition.

You are recommended to visit your local ER if you are experiencing:

  • Difficulty or inability to breathe
  • Yellow and green nasal discharge
  • Fever above 103 degrees
  • Severe eye, throat, and ear pain 
  • Extreme headache
  • Congestion lasting over four weeks

Cabot Emergency Hospital is here for you, all cold and flu season! From severe congestion to high fever, our expert team is ready to help you feel better quicker. Our state-of-the-art emergency room with an advanced onsite laboratory allows for rapid testing and personalized treatment plans to get you quickly back to your daily life. Open 24/7, even on holidays, we are here for you.

Disclaimer: As a service to our readers, Cabot Emergency Hospital and Nutex Health state no content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.


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